Case Study - Celsius Plumbing and Heating
Friday 28 October 2022
These core values made Celsius Plumbing and Heating a perfect candidate for the Edinburgh Trusted Trader scheme, of which they have been a member since 2019.
“A substantial number of new customers have found us via Edinburgh Trusted Trader”
“We joined because we saw that being a part of Edinburgh Trusted Trader was an opportunity for us to showcase the excellent service that we offer to a wider audience via a trusted and reputable scheme.”
The number of customer reviews that Celsius have gathered for themselves over the years has been extremely impressive and Michael attributes that to proactive staff who enjoy gaining recognition and celebrating in the company’s success. He also recognises how their Trusted Trader reviews help them to secure new work, and why it is “our most popular review site.”
The membership tools that are available to Michael and his team such as certificates and vehicle stickers are well utilised; “We display our certificate with pride in our office and various social media channels and display the Trusted Trader vehicle stickers on our fleet of vans” and “appreciate the assistance and support we receive from the Trusted Trader team.”
Michael attributes being a member of Edinburgh Trusted Trader to helping the growth of his business and says, “Without doubt our team has grown as a result of our membership, including taken on another apprentice.”
Having been a member of the Trusted Trader scheme for a number of years, we asked Michael to sum up why he continues with membership year after year:
“Taking the decision to join the scheme has without doubt been one of the best decisions we have made in our 14 years of trading. The year on year growth of the business can be directly linked to the increased sales from the scheme. This allows us to continually invest and develop our people through the power of technology, with customer service at the heart of everything we do.”
Michael Cairns, Director
Celsius Plumbing and Heating