Police Advice on securing Zoom
Zoom has proved to be a very popular communications application, and along with similar applications, it can also bring some security concerns. The National Police Chiefs Council has produced a useful Zoom guide explaining some of the risks, and giving step by step instructions on how to reduce them.

Social Media, Browser, App and device security settings change constantly. Check your settings and options regularly to ensure that you are using the highest levels of security. Neither the NPCC, nor TRMG, accept responsibility for any loss or breach arising from the use of this document. The document represents best efforts to encapsulate the common body of knowledge existing at the time of writing and is a guide to the security features available to users of online services and smartphones. This is not an operational guide and the reader is advised to consult his or her respective organisation for operational guidance on security and best practice.
Conceived and commissioned by the National Policing DCG Futures Group
Produced by The Risk Management Group (TRMG | www.trmg.biz )
OSINT Consultant, Esti Medynska, TRMG
Artwork produced on commission to TRMG by Nic Brennan