Leave a review for:
RK Solution
Are you happy with the service provided by this business?
Has this business actually carried out any work for you?
We take any infringement of customer service very seriously. If a business has failed to give you a quote, failed to turn up or just not responded, please tell us all the relevant details by selecting here.
If no actual work has been done, then you will be unable to leave any feedback. But by letting us know we can closely monitor a trader's performance as multiple breaches of poor customer service can lead to suspension or removal from the scheme.
If no actual work has been done, then you will be unable to leave any feedback. But by letting us know we can closely monitor a trader's performance as multiple breaches of poor customer service can lead to suspension or removal from the scheme.
Is the company aware of your grievance?
Please contact the business first and explain your grievance with them before leaving feedback.
You can contact the trader directly by selecting here.
You can contact the trader directly by selecting here.
Do you wish to make a formal complaint?
Please contact us with the details by selecting here so we can investigate your complaint.
Please add your review for
RK Solution by filling in the form below.
*Your details will NOT be passed or sold to any other organisation. All contact data is held in strict confidence and in full compliance of the data protection act. Registration Number: ZA081479
Review Guidelines
- we have four simple questions which you can grade from 1 - 5 and a text box to allow you to add your comments and feedback
- please only use this form if you have actually used this trader's service. Reviews can't be submitted for work done more than two years ago
- if you are unhappy with any aspect of the trader's service, please ensure you have communicated this to the trader before leaving any comments
- any negative comments will be investigated to ensure they are genuine and to see if any form of dispute resolution can assist you
- any obvious slanderous or obscene remarks will be deleted
- your feedback will be published but you may keep your name anonymous by selecting the tick box below. Your contact details will not* be published and only be used to confirm any review comments
- when complete, select the submit your review at the bottom of the page.
Add your review
*Your details will NOT be passed or sold to any other organisation. All contact data is held in strict confidence and in full compliance of the data protection act. Registration Number: ZA081479