Case Study - Forth Blinds
Thursday 27 September 2018
Their original reason for joining was to raise their profile amongst the local East Lothian residents, according to Philip; “People prefer to check if we are suitable via Trusted Trader compared to more commercial trader schemes as they want to use a local company.”
Forth Blinds flew through the vetting process, which they described as “expected” and their profile was added to the recently revamped East Lothian Trusted Trader website. “The new look is great, and the website now stands out more."
“As far as Forth Blinds are concerned, joining is a ‘no brainer’ for a local business and we cover the cost of our annual membership several times over every year!”
In addition to their new website profile, Philip and Colin have both spoken with the Trusted Trader admin team on a number of occasions and tell us; “The customer service experience has been great, as all questions were answered and dealt with in a fast and efficient way.”
"As far as Forth Blinds are concerned, joining is a 'no brainer' for a local business"
We were delighted to be told that membership has “exceeded expectations” and Forth Blinds have been equally delighted to receive phone calls “due to people seeing us on Trusted Trader.”
We are always keen to hear how the decision to join the Trusted Trader scheme has affected business and to hear that “Joining the East Lothian Trusted Trader scheme has raised the credibility of our business and has improved our Google rankings also” is music to our ears. Long may it continue Forth Blinds, we’re glad to have you on board.
The Forth Blinds Team