The Fife Trusted Trader scheme
Established in 2011, the Fife Council Trusted Trader scheme is a local business partnership which aims to:
- increase consumer confidence
- promote good practice within local businesses
- help prevent doorstep crime. It is the only official trader scheme in Fife that is Council backed, fully vetted by Trading Standards and supported by Police Scotland.
Lisa Duncan, Fife Trading Standards
Lisa Duncan, Senior Trading Standards Officer from Fife Trading Standards, explains about the Fife Trusted Trader Scheme.The elements of the Fife Trusted Trader scheme
The Fife Trusted Trader scheme is made up of Fife Council, Fife Trading Standards Team, Kent County Council Trading Standards ADR and Trusted Directory Services (TDS).The Council back and oversee the scheme, with the vetting process carried out by Trading Standards Officers. Trading Standards also ensure Traders adhere to the Code of Practice and will intervene in disputes when required.
Kent County Council Trading Standards ADR allows impartial adjudication when a dispute arises between consumer and business and can be settled outside of court. TDS is responsible for scheme administration, customer service and website support.

Cllr Ross J Vettraino OBE.
Convener – Environment Protective Services & Community Safety Committee,
Fife Council

Together we will continue to deliver the first-class service Fife residents have come to expect from our pool of vetted and highly rated Trusted Traders for many years to come".
Dawn Adamson
Trading Standards Service Manager
Fife Council